

These are some general SMS messages which can be used for all occasion suitable for bulk SMS messaging, Text Messaging

1.Between you and me there is love-hate relationship. Delete hate; relate love on this valentine!
2.Someone misses you,
Needs you worries about you,
Is lonely without you,
Cares about u..
And wants you to know. That he Loves you..

3.The SMS is sent to you on this special day, to ask you to be my valentine. To hope the years together will be better than ever. The tears we share only tears of joy!

4.I'd like to paw wow with you, to let know how I feel, if you read the signals clearly, you will see I'd like to be , your very own valentine.

5. Someone misses you,
Needs you worries about you,
Is lonely without you,
Cares about u.
And want6s you to know. The he Loves You.

6.The SMS is sent to you on this special day, to ask you to be my valentine. To hope the years together will be better than ever. The tears we share only tears of joy!

7.I'd like to paw wow with you, to let you know how I feel, if you read the signals clearly, you will see I'd like to be your very own valentine.

8.How can I say I like you? You know it's not true I only say I Love you , And I really do!

9.You were so full of life, Always smiling and carefree. Life loved you being s part of it, And I loved you being a part of me.

10.I believe that if I should die , and you were to walk near my grave, from the very depth of the earth I would hear your footsteps.

11.We are born once, we die once and we love only once.

12. Before I met you , my heart was locked. Hurt by past relationships, the key was lost. An angle was sent from up above. I was guided back to life through your love.

13.Your skin is melting chocolate Your eye is like deep blue sea your face is like sunshine after the rain get Mr. hand; don't spoil your life in vain!

14. Give me a kiss , and to that kiss a score; Then to that twenty , add a hundred more : A thousand to that hundred: so kiss on, to make that thousand up a million. Treble that million, and when that is done, let's kiss afresh, as when we first begun.

15.If love is great, and there are no greater things, then what I feel for you must be the greatest.

16.If you are chocolate, I will eat you
If you are cola, I will drink you
If you are perfume, I will smell you
But you are you, So I will love you!