
A Look At The World of Warcraft Character The Trolls

Formerly at home in the jungles of Stranglethron Vale, the fierce trolls of the Darkspear tribe were forced out by fighting factions, now part of the Horde along with the Orcs, Tauren and Undead. As part of the Horde, the Trolls have stretched their loyalty to the mighty Tauren, but they have less trust for the manipulative Forsaken, whom they think will bring only suffering and discord upon their allies.

Their alliance with Horde started through an encounter with the Orc Warchief Thrall who saved this band of Trolls, the Darkspear tribe, from the Murlocs. In debt to the mighty Thrall, the leader of the Trolls, Shadow Hunter Vol'jin of the Darkspear Trolls had sworn his allegiance to the Horde.

When they arrived at the shores of distant Kalimdor, the Horde met a series of challenges which led them to the Battle of Moutn Hyjal. There, the trolls under their new chief, Vol'jin, fought alongside the orcs against the Burning Legion. After the battle, the weary Horde was faced with one last challenge. Together, they carved out a new nation where they could attempt to find their place in the greater scheme of things. The Darkspear trolls settled in southern Durotar and the Echo Isles.

Allied with the Orcs, the Troll shares the same homeland of Durotar with its hot rugged hills, grassland and mountains on the east coast of Kalimdor. Their city of Orgrimmar, named after Thrall's mentor Orgrim Doomhammer, is also shared with the Orcs and is situated in a rugged jagged mountain valley. Orgrimmar is an impressive sight and has been constructed by Thrall to show the might of the Orcs and their allies.

While the trolls may be known for their hunting skills, they also dabble in the darker side of the magical arts which includes voodoo, dark spiritualism and blood magic. This makes this race well rounded in many skills as shown by the variety of classes available to this race.

The trolls are also one of the few races that have 6 classes that you can choose from: Mage, Priest, Hunter, Rogue, Warrior and Shaman. Their home city is Ogrimmar and starts the game at Durotar. They Mount Raptors and Wyverns and have the following racial traits:

Berserking (active) - Increases your melee, ranged, and casting speed by 10% to 30%. The value scales upwards towards 30% depending how low your health is when you activate the ability. Requires a small amount of mana, rage, or energy (depending on your class) to activate. Does not require being struck by a critical to activate. Lasts 10 seconds with 3 minute cooldown but no global cooldown.

Regeneration (passive) - Increase health regeneration bonus by 10%. 10% active in combat.

Beast Slaying (passive) - Increase damage bonus to Beasts by 5%.

Throwing & Bow Weapon Specialization (passive) - Increase Throwing Weapon skill by +5 and +5 to Bows.